Well (very deep) I appear to be at a place, I really want to see. How it plays out, oh yes, uncertain which, I am also delighted with! A mystery sandwich. Change that I have imagined, envisioned, with lots of room to stretch. Full of honest intention, willing to bend, accommodate, pleasure fetch, in this balance of purity and curiosity. Spontaneity from deep roots and understanding, from opposite ends of the earth. Ready to feel and begin new birth. May all co-creating entities everywhere, blow their finest wishes into this mix. Ailing parts fix. Differences heal and grow flowers to fruit. Strength of age and youth combine, entwine, in glorious perfection and freedom. Each fulfilled, strengthened will, to individually attain, maintain and have ,all wherewithal of true raised vibration. Delicious sensation, spread around for rich pleasure and stability. Unity. Supreme energy serenity.
Sometimes I am, sometimes not. Eclectic tastes, so many things, music, art, people. I can be swayed; changes made. Mutual respect is key. Aesthetics inspired, a big part of this life. Last one dark. The one before of art. Happiness caring, vital. All things, emphasis on companionship, enjoying moments, sharing over idle. Connected dots form a flow. Start, change, grow. Visualize and so much to know. Endless presence. Accepting presents, multitude points of view, limitless new. Hard, soft, sweet, tart, through mind, feel in heart, seeds sown, sprout. Individual, collective consciousness stimulation, expression out. Connected play. Mingle ideas, birth fresh innovations. Excitation. New creation. For awhile, the intoxication. A new day in a sweet way, I'm out for awhile to play ~ A few chores, open doors, get around explore. Be real, honest feel, flow in this slo-mo day ~ Observe enjoy the embrace of life, a tingling stimulated way. Bare it all, share in all, capture and be caught ~ Smiles and flirt, pleasant perks, admiration shared and sought. Soft hook bait, taste relate, exchange energy, desire and praise ~ Communication, change relation, touching through kind gaze. Magic simple, natural nipple, flowing in and from the land ~ All connected, same reflection, release and share, heart in hand. Guide, be guided, one another, sister brother, friend and lover ~ One for all, all for one, ancestral father, mother. While swinging like a monkey, a tail I wish I had ~ My cat has one, it's such fun, that would be so rad. Keep life interesting, switching things around ~ Staying bright, keeping it light, more spontaneous while being ground. Aesthetics are to be shared, enjoying together blissful care ~ Entertained and attaining, support and court, love fragrance in the air. A journey of evolution, created thru dreams and so much change ~ Follow heart, mule in front of cart, free flowing also apart. Stabilizing after a storm, find structure secure, the climate norm. Attention widens , prospect brightens, creativity flows fresh form. Goals collection, retrospection, new direction too ~ Stimulation, sensation relation, excites, entice more true. Communication the intention oil, distributes unity know ~ From spiritual reflection to interpersonal connection, honesty, authentic grow. Know thyself, in others, wealth, all connected once before ~ Believe and see it, desire, receive it, allow the flow of the revolving door. I used to live by a rule - Create that which I want to have, do and be. It worked really well. I had lots of friends; relationships and success. At some point, I would loose interest in it. So I would change the thing but, keep that idea. Creating again, in a new , fresh unit of time. Have, do, be what I wanted in my life. This brought me all around the world, experiencing so much pleasure and learning much. I write this, as I'm amazed how life works. Another part of this above rule is that, - if one does not create what one wants, then 'life' will. It will create, what you need, in order for you, to get back, in the driver's seat. Like a wake-up call! So cool <3 On another adventure, my senses search new truth. Skipping around again. Stability I’ve not yet found. Simply a time of change and I’m in this flow. I believe I know what it is I seek, harmony to keep me ground. So many possibilities, many similarities, I’m hungry for delight. Wings spread, open air, bring me understanding, clear sight. Time an elusive make believe, something so easily, be deceived. Up to each to determine fate, every morsel, small and great. Be in one direction too long, Loose originality, a repeat song. Grasp your goal. Feel its heat. Beckon it, unlock the gate. I am here, for now. In this moment of connecting wow. No rules required, I’m inspired. May serenity endow. Life is a garden. Patient and listen. A garden is a labor of love. The more rich the soil, less the toil. Greater the size and abundance. Less the redundancy. Some seeds best too safe. Others, leave; Re-seed back; A natural means. Location of planting in a plot. Sun, wind, rain. More advancing, enhancing. Patient observing. Listen and learn the flow. The teaching ~ When and where to sow. Grow. Know. Cooperation. agreed upon penetration, relaxation. Sensation relation. Sustenance, subsistence, sustaining life. Survival. Shelter, water, fire. Expand higher. Pleasure, leisure, aspire. Comradery. Community. Unity. Bouncing like a heart centered ball ~ sometimes small, others, tall ~ From ground vision to universal fission ~ back and forth, in and out of all. Here it flows, comes and goes ~ physical dimension, dies and grows ~ We're also free, have telepathy ~ out of body ~ timeless be. Both are true, agreed to be by you ~ different parallels, wheel of fate, Carousel ~ Simultaneous, synchronized hypnotized ~ out of the box, for real eyed. Message flashes like a strobe light barrage. Choose a direction or park in a garage. Get everything done or let time unwind? Bootstraps no boots I wear. Gotta show me, I care.. Move and stretch, work it out. Some void surrounds me, somehow to share. My body seems no longer the same, a different one. It feels pretty good, seems healthy, vibrant, stout. Possibly it is transforming. Feels like everything is. So much change and yet, I can’t single any of it out. Honestly, feels massive. Whole physical structure shift. New sounds keep emerging. Purging. It’s like everything is on edge. Ambiguous, noninclusive. Hedge. Thing is, this has been happening, building for some time. It is a test. Either move with it or? Goals seem arduous, aside from basic needs. Be at your best but willing to concede. An emotional omelette while vigilant to content and concept. |
AuthorKeala Brent |