I sure love nature. I mean, I also really enjoy living in a house. Comfortable bed, music and other entertainment. A sink with hot water. But AH - outside. Gardening, landscaping. Beautifying and nurturing living, oxygen sharing creation. Also the exercise. Communication with other life! Birds to chit-chat with, lizards and toads to admire. My cat too. All wonderful to have and experience. Be apart, and appreciate. Co-create! Human beings wow, so unique. I mean I have met some bots, running purely on circuits. Hearts gone or no idea how to work it. Scary droids. Void. Then the dark evil ones too. Ew. Manipulating, deceiving, controlling. Suck the life out of you. I dunno, haven't had many of these. Not fond of being stuck in glue. Inspiring, aspired ones, such fun! And speaking of nature, naturally high! Creating outside of any box. Free of restraints. Wings unfurled, alive! Yup, Nature beings. Being in nature. Feeling it. Naturally being.
An individual alone can do much to change things, make things better. Finding another person with similar goals and purpose and working together, Increases the effect,, exponentially. So it's not just 1 + 1 = 2, It's 1 + 1 = 4. Exponential energy. The reason for this is that the agreed connection and increase of intention, amplifies the energy of each singular individual. This phenomenon occurs here on earth due to the fact that this is a two-terminal world. Positive / negative. Yin / yang. Masculine / feminine, etcetera. So - get together :D Living in a dream. Dreaming in life. Experiencing it, both wealth & strife. Been and done, worn many hats. A killer, a monk. A nobleman, a punk. This life as well, full of change. Lived all over, long hair and short. High on the hog or hot dogs, whatever sort. Basic rule, life's a game. Have fame, suffer in shame. Live it, feel it, know for myself. This is life, bold or stealth. More now, more good than bad. Be helpful, more happy over sad. Have some gold. warm over cold. Eat healthy, while I get old. Few more years in this place. Take no shit but wear a pleasant face. Be honest, truthful, authentic me. Love as much as I can, Open. Free. Most my life telepathy. Third eye sight, been wrong and right. Helped others and faced karmic blight. Life's a journey, a mystery sandwich. Intriguing, exciting, perilous & daunting. Such an amazing ride. All the joy, pain & love cried. Emotions extreme, below death to serenity supreme. Take a chance, bust through the stops. Be righteous and be strong. Eat crow and admit it, when you've wronged. We all fuck-up, learn and grow. Go for it. Everything to know. Divide and Conquer, the chant of the past ~ Be Together, the song of love vast. We expand from the dark age, into the light ~ From fear to unity, embracing sovereign right. Oneness not noneness, joy not plight ~ Abundance streaming, encompass full delight. Exhibiting connection, aesthetic compassion ~ Community endeavors, freedom in full fashion. Strive to include, harmony exude ~ For this is the truth, all emotional soothe. Eyes bright and open, feeling one and all ~ Standing together, reaching beyond the stars tall. Our natural being, all seeing, fully known ~ Healthy habitat, universally our home. Moment to moment, my way I go.
What I feel now, creates the flow. I have pasion, that shapes my fashion. Gives me impetus to grow more know. Dreams of future, a tieing suture, Influences what I see, want to be. I emanate thoughts, connecting dots, Inspiring others, suggestions, be caught. A reality that could be ours, A co-create, playful or intimate flowers. Respect is key, all have their choice. whether to agree and/or express their voice. Their point of view, flag to hoist, Either way, all in the moment. Atonement. There is no wrong, just creation of right. What indicates, flys your kite. If it excels, pour on the coals. Give it more fire, agree on some goals. Make a plan, turn on the fan. Brighten the light. Blast into flight. Moment to moment, two better than one. Exponential energy, moon glows with, the sun. Really enjoying where I now live. Community around a central home. A family of support. Hard working. Teen children, fertile land, in a peaceful zone. My own little place, with enough space, to be artistic and fulfill my current dreams. Garden and landscape, owners appreciate. An environment of limitless creative deeds. Good energy, diversified synergy, residents individuals and unique. To each their own, all feel home grown, magic yet to tweak. Dogs and cats, all sizes and shapes. My own cat a loner but for me, gone most the day, rest of the time we play. How things evolve, yet to see. Often I wander (drive) into town. Paia, I hang around. Kahului a lot, groceries and shop. Not much beyond, used too, now locally bound. Internet lots for music and chat. Stay connected. Many tastes. New and old, rock to opera, R&B, dub, quite eclectic. Lots of writing. some painting too. Love using lots of color and words that are new. Telepathy always at play. Animals, ghosts, ETs sometimes though they have less to say. Yoga and stretching. Gardening, keep the body moving, sometimes watch a movie. Living life moment to moment. Here with this body and higher-self atonement. Guided mystery tour, upper gulch view ~ More awareness of home scene, ensue. A simple journey, my cat and I ~ Magical adventure, doorway through. He showed me where he likes to go ~ Safe and sound, sacred ground. We hung out for an hour or two ~ Full of ease, gentle peaceful breeze. The more we are, greater share, expanded reality ~ Two to one, separate undone, singular duality. Next day more exchange, expanded schedule, playful fun. Harmony plus, no rush, trust, eye to eye ~ Clarity continues to grow, from understanding to know. Change occurs sometimes by mis-duplication, wrong interpretation ~ Continual respect, sorts it out. Turned about, even more accepted, wealth. Had a dream - my angel and I together ~ Circumstances like any other but, together again. Lover friend. Aesthetical, magical, pleasure. Her wings of soft feathers. Gifted company, luxurious leisure. Larger than life reunionity in a clear come true ~ Awakening reality of recognizability. Thankful. Delightful memory mixed nowness in dream sequence. A flow message, I know, for we have future fate date. Wakening to realize. Her company. He eyes, her self-look, and touch. So much appreciate. Energy reciprocate. Out & about early, no traffic, no hurry ~ Saturday too, less, a morning zoo ~ Free wheeling in a clear feeling. New. Some simple chores done before the sun has risen ~ Still and slumber, few in number, quiet radiance of sleepy moon. Better Things open, coffee poured, this day begins its song ~ Pleasant gazes, warm smiling faces, a harmonious swaying tune. Angel in red, slender thread, emerges through the door ~ Casting glances, excitement enhances, energy urges provoke. Awakened want, seed stirs a need, thirsty hunger to feed. Come alive, creation thrive - explosive, implosive blurred vision buzzed hive. Show me what I want to see, You have it, know it, set it free. Shake me up, you know I am - come-on tease, invasive flaunt ~ Eye to eye, a moments glance, elusive grin, seductive trance. I submit, captivated. Your casual movement of innocent demeanor. Less is often more, light touch says so much. Bare skin on bone, overtly shown. Stretch and bend, message send - open, ready, warm comfort steady. Mesmerizing soft playful eyes, my dreams to realize. Confident accented hook, amour, glamour, heart invigorating, took. Prepping for a journey, Tomorrow day break. Anticipating, several days now. Feline friend my guide. We shall pass beyond my recognized border. My inner child excitement stirred. Mystery the word. Like magic conjured. Recently my cat guide helped me re-open my ears. I have again begun greater hear. Tree voices, almost audible, hoisted. I Know it is there. Aware. So ready to share. Natural science. Mathematical alliance. Sacred geometrical design. Universally aligned. Awake. There is no box. Energy. There are no rocks. Free truth talks. Timeless fairy, wood-sprite walk. I feel like Alice. My cat the white rabbit. No pills required. Telepathically wired. |
AuthorKeala Brent |