What floats your boat; sends you over the moon? Lights your fire; inspires, wires, feels attuned? Have had so many things, sparked pursued, An endless stream. Reality from dream. So lit, didn't need rest. Professional job or some artsy sway ~ Work or play, night and day. Throughout it all another thing, a persistent urgent urge ~ A purpose asleep, something deep, a reason to be here, a goal. Fix something broken, known but not spoken ~ A giant necessary reason, to exist. Have a body to do it, physical universe use it~ Dig deep to find it, remember and succeed. Really often hard to recall, but despite that all ~ The urge is to do good. Help your family, neighbors, friends. Be apart of a community, further its unity. How you do this and to what degree, is yours to choose ~ Once you're raised, you fit your own shoes. Find your own passion, create your own fashion. Yup! What floats your boat?
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AuthorKeala Brent |